365 New Years Challenge

What Will You Tackle in the next 365 Days of the Year?  

We've all done it: set those pesky New Year’s resolutions only to give up five days in with a promise to try again next year.  Lucky for you, we even have 25 ideas to get you started.

1. Get organized.

Pick an area of your home that's been just screaming for your attention
and sort through the mess. Then move on to the next area.

2. Read more.

Turn off the TV and pick up that book you’ve heard great things about –
or the one you thought you’d never have time for.


3. Get outside.

Often times we forget how beneficial a little bit of sunshine can be.
Play with your kids (or your grandkids!) outside or take a walk around the park –
your body and mind will love you for it

4.  Meditate.

We’ve shared the benefits of meditation, now it’s time to reap the rewards yourself.
Set aside at least 15 minutes each day – the results will astound you.

5.  Utilize your creativity.

You may not be a painter, writer, or musician, but finding a way to be creative
is beneficial to everyone – even you.
Get those ideas flowing and create!

6.  Spend less, save more.

Cut out all that unnecessary spending (daily coffee stops, etc) and
see how much you are able to put away after 40 days.

7.  Reconnect with an old friend.

It’s easy to let good friendships fall to the wayside when life gets hectic. Take this opportunity to check in with an old friend.

8.  Practice gratitude.
Before you go to bed, make a list of at least 5 things you are grateful for. This will make you realize how much you have already been blessed.

9.  Try a new recipe.

You may not be an expert chef, but there’s no reason why you can’t try out that recipe you used to think was too complicated. After all, cooking is a great way to get those creative juices flowing! Literally! 
(Then share it with all of us!)


10.  Keep learning.

Just because your school years are long gone doesn’t mean you have to stop learning.
Pick a subject you’ve always wanted to know more about and read, read, read.

11.  Set a sleep schedule.

Do you often feel worn out and tired?
Then an unregulated sleep schedule may be to blame.
Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday and
give yourself at least 7 1/2 hours every night.

12.  Create a vision board.

By creating a vision board you are making a visual representation of the goals you wish to accomplish.
This is an excellent everyday reminder to stay positive and keep pushing forward.

13.  Stop complaining.

Try to go the full 30 days without complaining.
It may seem like a challenge, but imagine all that extra mind space
you’ll have for positive thoughts instead.

14.  Laugh every day.

Laughter serves as an excellent reminder to not take life too seriously.
No matter what kind of day you’ve had, always make time for laughter.


15.  Volunteer.

The holidays are just around the corner which make it an excellent time to lend a helping hand.
Do whatever you can – even if it’s s taking 15 minutes to listen to someone in need of a friend.

16.  Travel.

You don’t have to fly thousands of miles to reap the benefits of traveling.
Find somewhere near by (a museum, landmark, etc.) that you’ve never visited before and
make a day of it.

17.  Start a "Family Day".

Set aside one day a week (if possible) to dedicate to your family.
At the end of 100 days you’ll feel much more in tune with each other. 
Even family dinner or "Game nigh


18.  Meet your neighbors.

We often forget how great it is to connect with the community around us.
If you haven’t already – take the time to meet your neighbors.
You may just create a long lasting friendship.

19.  Step outside of your comfort zone.

Do one thing everyday, no matter how small, that makes you feel uncomfortable.
You could be a whole new person after 100 days of this.


20.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.

When it comes to your diet, return to the basics.
It can be simple, easy, and delicious.

21.  Write affirmations.

Write down affirmations that make you feel good from the moment you wake up
until the moment you go to sleep.
They can do wonders when it comes to keeping you in a positive frame of mind.

22.  Say I love you.

Let everyone around you know how much you care
and never forget to say I love you.

23.  Take the stairs.

Instead of taking the elevator or driving a car,
walk when possible. Your body will thank you.

24.  Practice forgiveness.

Have you been holding on to past hurts and transgressions?
Learn to let those go for your own sake.
Holding on is poisonous to your mind and body.

25.  Be present in the moment.

No matter where life takes you, be awake and alive in the moment.
Don’t allow distractions to take away from what is great in the here and now.

How do you plan on transforming your life in the New Year?
TAKE THE NEXT 365 DAY CHALLENGE, one day at a time!